Friday, 22 July 2011

Home Sweet Home

Just another Sunday morning, just another service at church. Having been at this church for over seventeen years, the days understandably blend together. But I wouldn't change anything for the world. This place is more my home than any house I've ever lived in. Many of these people are just as much my family as the family I was born into. I'd rather be here than just about any place on earth.

The week before, I skipped church to volunteer at an internet community event downtown. It was a lot of fun but I didn't realise the effect it would have on me to not be at church for one week. It was like I was cheating, like I ran away. Despite having a pretty good morning and afternoon downtown, I felt like I had missed out on a better time. And I'm sure I did.

But this realisation led to another. I haven't missed a day of church in years. I mean years. I've gone out with friends until three or four in the morning and not missed church. I've spent entire nights talking on the phone, hanging up after five, still to end up one of the first people in the building to prepare for the service. I'm not trying to brag here. I'm trying to paint a picture. I don't miss church.

The feeling I had the next Sunday was unlike anything I've felt in a very long time. It was like I had returned home for the first time in years. While no one batted an eye that I hadn't been there one day, I felt like it had been ages. And even when I discovered that some of my best friends hadn't come out that day, the happiness to be back where I feel most at home far outweighed any disappointment that clawed at my heart.

Now, I've put a lot of emphasis behind the social aspect of church, which is highly important, of course, but it was so good to be back serving and worshiping God in a place I know I belong. It was a comparably mild service next to our usual services, but it was incredible. Even though the music was slow and plain and lacked a beat, the words seemed to jump off the page and really mean something. It was incredible. Maybe the week I was away was for a reason. Maybe it was worth it.

Well, I'm ready to start my new attendance streak. But it's not for any gold star beside my name. It's not so everyone notices what a "good Christian" I am. It's so I never let myself fall into the trap where you say, "I can skip today. It's only one Sunday." It's so I don't forget who commands my life. It's so I don't forget where I come from and who my oldest, truest friends are. It's so I don't forget my home.

Home sweet home.

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