I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. I will be here for you always.
Oh how beautiful you are. Even a mere photo of you blows my mind to bits.
You are so beautiful to me.
I can't let sadness be my only inspiration. It can't be my only drive. I need to see the positive in my life, use it as fuel to write more often, more skillfully.
Yes. There is overwhelming sadness in my life, but it helps no one to focus entirely on it. It certainly does not help me. What I must try to do is focus on the good in my life. I must write about it and share it with whoever wants to listen. I want to have a positive impact on people, especially you.
It will be hard, but I have found that I can do a great deal when it's for you.
It comes and goes in patches. Sometimes things are what they are, and other times things couldn't be worse. Right now is the latter.
I miss you so bad right now.
Sometimes, all it takes it's one little thing to turn a bad day into a good one. But sometimes again, all it takes is a small realization to give that good day a sour note.
Such good news! I wanted to laugh and dance and sing! I wanted to shout it out loud! I wanted to call you and tell you that moment!
Oh... Right. I can't.
You're gone. There's no one who cares about this good news aside from you. No one who will want to listen. No one will even be happy for me.
You would have been so excited to hear.
I miss you, buddy.
Okay, seriously. These dreams have got to stop. There's only so much a guy can take. I miss her enough while I'm conscious. Can I not have a few hours to escape the pain? Just a few hours of rest that don't result in me waking up more sad than when I went to sleep?
Your smile. It would brighten every aspect of my life if I could just see you smile for me.
Hell, it would probably heal cancer too.
A guy and his girlfriend, another girl and her boyfriend, and me. No girl at my side, no buddy to chat with. Just me. At the table, girl sits across from girl, guy sits across from guy, and I sit across from no one. I check my phone every five minutes for replies to the half dozen texts I sent out in hopes of some friendly company. Not one.
So alone I sit, trying my best to join in in the conversations at the table despite my disadvantageous seat. I smile and laugh and make jokes as much as I can but it feels empty, hollow. There's only so much I can do against this much loneliness. Against the overwhelming feeling that I don't belong, that I am the sore thumb.
But this is my life. I am alone. I am the odd one out. I am the loser who will continue to thanklessly sacrifice himself for the happiness of others. This is me.
I miss you.
I know you miss me. I know you wish things were better, that this didn't have to happen. I'm sorry for frustrating you with my questions. But sometimes it's hard to remember. Sometimes it feels like you hate me, like you don't want me in your life. I know that's not true, but it feels like it sometimes. Please just remember that these questions come from my crippling insecurity. I know how you feel deep down. I promise.
I miss you.
I love you.
(Just in case I hadn't said it in the last few minutes.)
Did you know that last Sunday was the 14th? Six months to the day. I owe you dinner, I guess.
...worth a damn, am I? Not to you. Not to anyone. Not even me anymore.
I don't know what I am. But whatever I am, I'm not worth a damn.
My name never sounded so sweet. You make everything sound beautiful. After five long days and even longer nights, my heart can't stop singing.
I wish I could go for a walk with you today. It's a beautiful day for a walk with a beautiful girl. We could've met at the park and just walked. Walked to the swings and laughed as we swung higher and higher next to each other. Then lie on a blanket and watch the clouds go by and maybe even watch the sunset.
That would have been a nice thing to do today.
But I'm alone.
Some days are better than others. Today is not one of those days.
I walked home from work today. Despite seeing a few friends, I couldn't be cheered up beyond what I showed on the surface. The last time I talked to you was Sunday. Four days ago. The last time you stopped speaking to me, we spoke four days later. Of course that would be the first thing on my mind as I woke up today. It hasn't left my mind yet.
Now it's 9:30 and you haven't called. You haven't sent me a text. You didn't swing by my work. It's day four of complete silence. You don't even comment on my posts or play the one game we had that was never affected by our personal problems. But in my mind, you're still right there. It's like you're just outside my vision, just out of reach. But I know you're there. It's maddening.
Today is a very bad day.
If I called you, would you talk to me? If I asked how you're doing, would you tell me? Would you ask how I am? Would you even answer at all?
Do you even miss me?
I thought I saw you three times today on my walk home. I long to see your face, to hear your voice. This broken record of a man misses you so much.
Hmm... I'm getting some fairly regular traffic from the United States. Is that you browsing from your work computer or do I have some other readers from down south? Either way, I'd love to hear from you! I'm very curious to know if I have readers in the States! :-)
Why don't I ever dream when I'm happy? I love happy dreams! Well, if things were different, my dream last night would have been amazing! I wasn't going to write about it but that would drive you crazy, wouldn't it?
It wasn't anything crazy or ridiculous. You just called me while I was driving and we went out for dinner. There were some irregularities that seemed normal until I woke up, but overall it was a simple, happy dream that made me sad because no matter how many times I check my phone, you haven't sent a message. No matter how many times it rings, it's never you calling. No matter how many times I look out the window, it's never you sitting in your car waiting for me.
Maybe you're sick of reading this, but you have no idea how much I miss you. I wish I thought that you miss me too.
Do you ever get so lost in thought while you're driving? You suddenly "wake up" somewhere but can't remember how you got there? That happened to me tonight. I woke up as I was turning onto the street that leads to your house.
I didn't mean to go that route. I avoid that area because I'm always afraid that you'll see me and think that I'm stalking you. I'm a creep but I'm not a stalker.
Going by brought back so many memories. Remember when I used to pick you up for work in the morning? Sometimes I'd get you a bit early and we'd go get breakfast and sit in the car and eat and talk. Those were amazing days.
I will never stop loving you. I don't care what you or anyone else says, I cannot and will not stop loving you.
I miss you.
I'm sitting alone in our booth at the wing place we love. This is a truly low feeling.
Cheers to you, my darling.
The freakiest thing just happened to me. I just got out of the shower and went into my room. I threw a pile of freshly laundered clothing onto the bed and picked up my phone to check a text message. Finished with my phone, I threw it onto my pillow and looked down. There on my bed, square in front of me, sat your business card, your name screaming up at me.
How the hell did it fall from my wallet? I haven't touched it once today. Very weirded out, I opened my wallet to return the card to its home. To my shock, there sat the card I originally put in there.
I've only ever had one of your business cards. Where this one came from and why it was sitting in the middle of my bed is beyond me. If someone is trying to tell me something, I'm not getting it. Be a little more clear next time.
I don't get freaked out easily but that's just fucking weird.
And of course it had to be something to do with you.
I'm sure you'll get a kick out of this. My boss now reminds me of you. I'm trying to impress the guy, show him I'm serious about my role, but when he's there all I can think about is how you would be going nuts if you could see him.
I also remember when you used to be that excited to see me. Those were good days. You may regret that, but I don't. No one has ever been that excited to see me. Not that consistently, anyway. It's a hell of a feeling. I miss it almost as much as I miss you.
At least the thought of it makes me smile.
God speaks to us. He is constantly telling us things. Whether through the Bible or though people or anything, He's always telling us something. For me, He usually uses music. Today, He didn't really tell me something but He sent me an amazing new song that perfectly lines up with my life over the past few weeks.
God is amazing.
I'll post the song hopefully tonight.
You asked if I took note to read from. We chuckled. But I should have. I forgot so much. Now it's too late.
"I wish I could hate you. I want to hate you. I try to hate you. It would be so much easier if I did hate you."
"But there's no pretending. I love you. I have always loved you. I will love you until I die, and if there's a life after death, I'll love you then."
Darkness creeps in. I'm surrounded. There is no escape. Breathing becomes a struggle. My eyes are forced shut from the pressure. I can't move.
I can still feel your touch. I can still smell you, taste you. You're voice rings through my ears. I pry my eyes open and I see you. You reach out and hold me.
The pressure evaporates. The darkness flees. It's just you and me. I collapse to the floor. You come with me, still holding me tight. And then the tears come. An overflow of pain and love and sorrow.
"I miss you." The only words I can make my self speak.
"I miss you too, Davis."
The next words shock me. Your words.
"I love you."
Are my dreams supposed to torture me?
I remember when I used to make you smile. I remember when you used to want me around. When you used to want to see me and spend time with me.
How did I screw that up?
"I really have to go."
Probably the most disappointing and heartbreaking last words I will ever hear.
I didn't realise this job would take my life away. The only thing that keeps me going is you. You make this tolerable. You make this easy. You make me feel like I still have a life. When you aren't there...
Today you were gone.
Sometimes I find myself wondering when my life will be normal. Then I remember that for me, heartbreak is normal.
I finally got to talk to you again! It was nice to hear your voice. I think the last time I saw you was in a mall food court about a month ago.
I know you're probably not my biggest fan now, but I really do miss you, small fry.
Either I say the wrong thing or I just don't say what I should say. Yesterday was one of those times. You got out of your car to see me and my jaw wanted to hit the floor. Simply stunning.
How do you keep doing that to me? How do you keep on blowing my mind? Shouldn't I be accustomed to your beauty by now?
Nope nope nope.
You take the breath right out of me.
I used to think that there was someone out there for me. I used to think that someone was you. We are perfect for each other. You get me. I get you. We gelled so easily and we grew so close so fast. Everything felt right. But I got clouded by my love for you. I forgot the truth I learned so long ago.
I don't deserve you. I don't deserve someone as wonderful as you. I don't deserve to be happy in this life. I haven't done anything to earn it. And you deserve to be with someone better. No, it isn't him, but it's certainly not me. You deserve who will treat you like a queen without personal baggage. Someone who will never let you down. I am not that man. I do not deserve to be.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy. I'm sorry for being the worthless sack that I am. How did a piece of shit like me every think he stood a chance with an angel like you?
When someone hurts, you comfort them. When they are sad, you bring them cheer. When when they cry, you give them your shoulder. When life beats them down, you lift them up.
That is what a friend does, and any of this I will do for you. Any day, any time, anywhere you need me, I will be there. I have two arms to hold you and a shoulder to rest your head. Whatever you need, it is yours.
I love you, my dear friend.
The phone rings. Once. Twice.
Your voice is so soft and quiet. I woke you up. I had hoped you'd be awake already. Well, you offered.
"Good morning! How are you?"
I always make a point to be cheery on the phone with you. Not only do you make me happy, but you deserve to hear a happy voice on the other end of the line.
Still groggy. Understandable. You work so hard, even on the long weekend and on your day off. I'm amazed at how you're able to do what you do.
"So should I catch the bus this morning?"
A tinge of guilt creeps up. I shouldn't be interrupting your sleep. What kind of friend am I?
"No no. I'm coming."
I push the tinge back down. I don't care. I want to see you too much to let guilt stop me from taking you up on your offer.
"Okay. I will see you soon."
There is an unbelievably big smile on my face now. You're picking me up for work! It's just past 8 am and my day has already been made. My mind goes back to the days when I would pick you up in the morning and we would eat breakfast in the car before I dropped you off. Occasionally I would come grab lunch with you and even pick you up when you finished work. Now our roles are reversed. You took me to work and came and ate lunch with me.
Who else would do that for me? What other person would get up early just to drive me to work so I don't have to spend half an hour on the bus?
No one, that's who. There's not a single person I know who would do that for me aside from you. Somehow, for some reason I don't yet know, you were sent into my life when I really do not deserve you.
You are an angel among peasants, my darling, and I will always treat you as such. You may not be mine, but you will always be my princess. Come what may, good times or bad, that will never change.
You know I love you, right? You know you're the most incredible woman on the face of the planet? I wish you always remembered that. I don't deserve you. No one does.
But I wish I knew how to make you happy. That's my favorite thing in the world to do. To simply make you happy.
I love you.
Hi Hannah.
How are you?
How was work?
You look so beautiful today.
I love you.
I miss you.